Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund

What is Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund (formerly known as Parag Parikh Long Term Equity Fund) is an open-ended dynamic equity scheme investing across large cap, mid cap, small cap stocks. Its investment universe is not restricted by any self-imposed limitations in terms of sector, market capitalisation, geography, etc. However, an average of 65% of its corpus will be invested in listed Indian equities, in order to benefit from the favourable Capital Gains tax treatment accorded to such schemes. Date of Allotment: May 24, 2013 Min. Investment Amt. New Purchase: ₹ 1,000Add’l. Purchase: ₹ 1,000Monthly SIP: ₹ 1,000Quarterly SIP: ₹  Fund Managers Mr. Rajeev ThakkarMr. Raunak OnkarMr. Raj MehtaMr. Rukun TarachandaniMrs. Mansi Kariya NAV Regular Plan NAV (REGULAR PLAN)₹68.3088

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